My Bio

Linda Villarosa
Linda Villarosa runs the journalism program at the City College of New York. Also a freelance writer and editor, she is a contributing reporter to a documentary about HIV/AIDS in black America to be broadcast on PBS/Frontline next year.

Formerly, Linda edited the health pages for the New York Times, where she redesigned and expanded health and fitness coverage for Science Times and for the newspaper at large. She has also written dozens of articles for the Times, including two on HIV/AIDS among African Americans that appeared on the paper’s front page.

The former executive editor of Essence Magazine, Linda wrote the first article on HIV/AIDS to run in an ethnic publication, and also wrote and edited a number of other award-winning stories. 

Over the years, Linda has written articles, profiles and reviews for a number of national magazines, including Glamour, Health, Latina, Men’s Fitness, O, Poz and Vibe. She is a regular columnist for, an online publication of the Washington Post.

Linda has won awards from several organizations, specifically The Arthur Ashe Institute, the American Medical Writers Association, Lincoln University, the New York Association of Black Journalists, the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists’ Association and the National Women’s Political Caucus. She was also honored by the Callen-Lorde Community Health Center and the Women’s HIV Collaborative of New York for her writing on HIV/AIDS.

Linda has presented lectures, workshops and training sessions for dozens of colleges and universities, national foundations, government bodies and journalism associations. At the International AIDS Conference, she has written stories and trained journalists from around the world in Barcelona, Bangkok, Toronto and Mexico City.

Linda is the author of Body & Soul: The Black Women’s Guide to Physical Health and Emotional Well-Being.  A Blackboard Bestseller, there are more than 200,000 copies in print. She is the coauthor of both Finding Our Way: The Teen Girls’ Survival Guide and The Black Parenting Book. 

A graduate of the University of Colorado, Linda spent a year at the Harvard School of Public Health as a journalism fellow. She lives in Brooklyn, New York.